Hi, my name is Tuan. I am an Interaction Designer based in Ludwigsburg, working for IAV in the field of Automotive Engineering. Since two years commissioned by Porsche AG and being responsible for UX Guidelines and Porsche Apps. My role consists of collecting requirements of stakeholders and user feedbacks. These are then translated into UX-/UI Design and if necessary adapted into the Design system. From that point working side by side with android, iOS devs and quality assurance to get features into development.
Aligning on business goals and still satisfying the user by the user centric approach is a challenge which motivates me everyday to be eager for creative solutions. Creating custom solutions via direct user contact such as interviews for qualitative also as quantitative feedback is in my eyes the key to a great app. I would be happy to get in touch with you and hear your opinion on that topic from another perspective! Fell free to write an e-mail.