Myogram helps to track the healing process of hand/finger injuries via progress bars. To motivate therapy exercises we worked together with physiotherapists a gamification concept and included a schedule for appointments to keep track by a professional. This synergy will provide therapists with relevant information in the healing process and motivates patients to do more for optimize it. This results e.g. in shorter sick days and saves the income if the family is relying on this.
Since medical topics rely on expertise of real people and specialists literature. Research was one of the bigger Key points to do. Going through the phases from theoretical research to practical, like observing therapists and patients at a real appointment, helped a lot. With that knowledge pains and gains were visible to create custom solutions. In the end, combining present technology and requirements on patients and therapists side, resulted in Myogram.
Accidents, operations or illnesses will always be present. This bachelor thesis is intended to be an example of the digital progress in the field of therapy. According to the technical trends of Gartner Hype Cycle, our developed system can be placed in the context of "Virtual Assistant" and "IoT Platforms". Our concept can be realized by todays technologies. One of the key design challenges was faced in application interface. We did not only deal with usability in terms of devices, but also usability in different environmental phases (sitting at home, while commuting, at therapist...).
These requirements resolved in a responsive system creating synergies in the whole user journey. This concept was partially realized by prototypes of hard- and software. Muscle contractions were detected by the myo bracelet. These data were used as input in unity to mirror real movement. The App interface was designed in sketch and prototyped in principle and flinto to visualize animation and gamification usecases.